Blog Archives

Update on what we are doing

UPDATE NOVEMBER 2020  –  Well, here we are again, once more in Lockdown although a little less severe this time.   Work on maintaining barges goes ahead as that’s something that can be done in isolation, or with  sufficient room for social distancing by a few volunteers.

We at SSBR cannot hold meetings in person, but have met by Zoom so the admin gets done and decisions get made by Zoom, email or telephone.   One of those decisions was that we could not hold The Bargeman’s Award competition in 2020, but let’s hope we can get back with it in 2021.  Incidentally, it was good to see one of our former winners, Laurie Watkins, on Channel 4 TV last week, when he and skipper Andy Taylor took sb Lady Daphne up river to the Pool of London with Gyles Brandreth and Sheila Hancock on board.   They were making an episode of the Great Canal Journeys programme, and were very excited when Tower Bridge lifted for Lady Daphne to pass through.

Members of SSBR will, in the last week or so, have received this year’s edition of Topsail and the autumn issue of Mainsheet.   How’s that for a bumper bundle of treats!   Congratulations to Editors, Richard Walsh and Charles Traill, and indeed their respective printers, for getting them out in these difficult times and keeping up contact with our members.


Since we wrote in May about how SSBR’s programme would be affected by the Coronavirus pandemic life has continued in much the same way for many of us.   The easing of lockdown has meant that some travel is allowed, but most people seem to think it is better to stay as near home as possible.

The Committee feels it is unlikely we shall be able to hold any meetings this year, but we are in frequent contact to deal with matters as they arise.

Meanwhile Sue Reed has had to stand down as Membership Secretary.   We thank her for her work since mid 2019, including handling the start-of-year subscription renewals.

For the time being Richard Walsh has kindly agreed to be Acting Membership Secretary and he will be dealing with both new applications for membership and annual renewals.   He looks forward to hearing from new members  –  there is a membership form which can be accessed via the SSBR Membership tab above, and it includes Richard’s address.   Any existing members with queries about their subscriptions can contact Richard.   We apologize to anyone who received a reminder letter when they had already paid.   Unfortunately in the hand over of records and scramble to get out the mailing a few errors occurred.

If you need to contact  Richard about membership, his details are:-  Richard Walsh,  39 Friars Road, Braughing, Hertfordshire, SG11 2NN.   Telephone:  01920 821683.   Email:


The Annual General Meeting of the Society for Sailing Barge Research will be held on Saturday 19th May at Leigh-on-Sea Sailing Club, Essex.

Members will receive the notice of meeting in the next edition of the excellent “Mainsheet”, due out soon.