Monthly Archives: February 2017

Don’t miss SSBR & TSBT Archive Film Show

There’s a special event coming up in Maldon that really shouldn’t be missed.

The Thames Sailing Barge Trust and the Society for Sailing Barge Research are holding an Archive Thames Sailing Barge Film Evening on Saturday 11th March at Maldon Town Hall, Market Hill, Maldon.

Some of the films will not have been shown before.

The event is to raise funds for the SSBR and Thames Sailing Barge Trust.   Tickets are available in advance and cost £7.00 per person. On the evening they can be purchased for £8.00.

Doors open at 7:00 pm and the film show starts at 7:30 pm. There will be a real ale bar and teas and coffee. We will also hold a raffle.

To obtain tickets visit the Maldon Tourist Information Office, Wenlock Way, Maldon, or they can be obtained by post by sending a cheque payable to Thames Sailing Barge Trust and a self addressed envelope to: John Rayment, 12 Wisdoms Green, Coggeshall, Colchester. Essex CO6 1SG.

Thank you for your support


Deben is Cambria’s Volunteer of the Year

Across on the ferry to Gravesend today for the Cambria Trust AGM,

Highlight of the event was the presentation to the Cambria dscf1151Volunteer of the Year. The Cambria Cup was presented by Tony Farnham, Cambria’s Honorary Ambassador, to Deben Johnson.

Deben is 17 and has volunteered with sb Cambria for two and a half years. He has sailed as Third Hand on the barge, and has also put his skills to good use on board. As a woodwork apprentice he has carried out considerable work on the barge boat as well as on the barge itself, including work on all the wooden blocks.

The Cambria Cup was won by Cambria in 1930 and subsequently passed into Tony’s ownership. He donated it to the Cambria Trust to be used in this way.

Sorry for the poor quality of the photo  –  I was not in a good position to take it, either that or the lens was very dirty!