Category Archives: Bradwell

Angela & Peter takes to the water

Back at the start of the year JP Lodge was kind enough to post a good number of photos of the barge he was building on the SSBR Facebook page.  To have a look at them, this is the link.

Today there is great news from JP, who tells us that he launched the new barge last Thursday, and her maiden voyage was from Bradwell to Tollesbury Saltings on Friday.   He also tells us that he has named her “Angela & Peter” in honour and in memory of his parents  –  a lovely idea. 

This, in his own words, is his report of what happened on Thursday and Friday:-

“Sailing Barge Angela & Peter launched successfully on Thursday lunchtime, and maiden voyage Friday morning from Bradwell to Tollesbury.

“I have named her in memory and in honour of my parents;  my mother who first introduced me to sailing and particularly sailing barges and my father who showed me that pretty much nothing is impossible.

“The launch was very gentle and controlled  –  thank you Ian and Dave  –  and she settled about five inches light and slightly lopsided, (probably because of the weight of the mast and sprit on the starboard deck).   We checked the prop thrust and bow thruster then gently motored to the end of B pontoon for the night, and ten minutes on Ballast Shifting later were on an even keel once again. 

“Delivery Crew:  myself, Steve Hunt, Nic K, Malcolm and Annette.

“Friday morning we motored out of the marina, across the river towards the Nass beacon, then in via South Channel and up the creek, arriving far too early to get into the berth so turned (eventually) and motored back out to the leavings, turned again (easily this time) and back in, this time with enough water to nudge the berth.

“We were met by Flavian who helped bring ropes across and, as the tide flooded, eased in inch by inch and then sideways up to the staging.

“She is now safely installed in her mud berth on the Tollesbury Saltings.   If you stand on the hard and look towards the large red lightship, you can’t see the lightship any more because somebody has parked a large grey barge in the way!”

No pictures yet.   As JP says, he was a bit busy, but others took some photos and he is hoping to get hold of them.   Can’t wait to see them.